Yuga Soma-Uéno
上野 悠河

The Sacrifices of Three

Tele-Interference Counterpoints (Helix)

Canti (Study to Katsuro Yoshida)

The Blue / Quiet Violence

Medium Analogy: Orbital Revolution (variations)

Then, Our Words Were Interrupted

One Sacrifice

No groove (Study to Circline)

Tele-Air Counterpoints (on the Esplanade)

『Dead line Absent』 DM
個展 『死 / 不在』 DM
Advertisement seat

Dead line Absent
死 / 不在
Interactive installation
movie(01;50;00), sounds, performance(improvisation YAMAHA DX-27 playing, D.J.), sensor module, fan, japanese wind chimes, bicycle
June 2018

Portrait (1974), run into someone / run into somewhere
ポートレイト(1974) 誰彼に遭い/何処へ行く
picture: 449×301
movie: 198×149
Inc-jet print on styrene board, movie (iPad on frame)
June, 2018

Self-portrait of running
178×127 (two pairs)
Inc-jet print
January, 2018
solo exhibition 『Distance of Gallery』 fryer
個展 『画廊の距離』 フライヤー

Bicycle Song Ⅰ
自転車の歌 Ⅰ
Bicycle, Music score (pencil on Kent paper)
February, 2017
